Android is easy.

There’s an educational wifi network in most of the european universities called eduroam. It’s a “enterprise” network, using an 802.1x security certificate, so you need to install your institution certificate file before using the login and password.

I was trying to help a coworker configuring his brand new Android phone. I thought it would be rather simple, as I had previously configured a iPod Touch a year or so ago and it was just finding the file and importing it. Nop. Not a chance.

So, a quick case study of what needs to be corrected by Android in user friendliness before actually announcing to the world that it is the new Master…

Setting up an iOS device:

Screen shot 2011 03 10 at 17 21 46

Setting up an Android device:

Screen shot 2011 03 10 at 17 22 13

This is just an excerpt of the 20 steps or so of the configuration procedure. !? After 20 steps of a tedious process, you still might find that it will or it will not work, and if not maybe try again with these settings…

Some team really needs to go back to the “drawing board”…

8 GB in a Late 2008 Macbook

Magnifying RAM

And this is why i like Apple products!

I’ve just discovered that my Late 2008 Aluminium Unibody Macbook is actually able to have 8 GB of RAM memory instead of the 4 previously announced. So, a 2008 laptop is able to be upgrade from 2 to 4 and now to 8 GB of RAM.

If only SSD drives would become more affordable and with larger capacities this “baby” would be all equipped and a hell of a machine. And deadly silent as well. Even if just a whisper as the Macbook has, I hate ventilation noise. It removes most of the pleasure of being quietly in a silent room working.

Now show me a 2008 equivalent “PC” laptop, with equivalent cost at the time, that has this expansibility and can be upgraded to the this kind of “contemporary” levels. Most of them in 2008 could only deal with 3 GB of RAM.

It annoys me that i have these frequent argument with friends or co-workers about why I have decided to buy a Mac. I have come to a point where i gave up trying to explain the perceived qualities and just blankly ask if they ever worked with any other system besides Windows. And won’t argue anything else if the answer is “none”.

It is not that Windows is a bad system. It’s just that any other current option is better. Linux is amazingly fast, stable,and secure. And the Mac is all that and neatly integrated, with an amazing attention to detail. Which unfortunately lacks in many Linux distros. And is pretty much absent in Redmond products.

MacBook late 2008 CNET

So, yes. It is for this kind of surprises and reliability that i have bought a Mac. That 2,5 years passed it still rocks, it still has great look and no cheap hardware failure as ink-less keys. It still works perfectly, without any specific maintenance. I only formatted it once because i decided to upgrade OS and hardware at the same time (more disk space and 2 to 4 GB RAM), although theoretically even that wasn’t necessary. And when I formatted it, I could just import my user settings from Time Machine and everything was just as before. My bookmarks, my mail, my configs. Out of the box. Without extra costly software. And without extra hassles.

And now i can just buy 8 GB and slap it in. And run my baby even faster and nimbler than it is. Yep. Now tell me that doesn’t justify the “Apple tax” i keep hear talking. I compared back then and the Mac was actually the cheapest with feature-to-feature comparison. Now it still is. Even more.


Used to be a very tricky thing at Apple’land.

Apparently with the launch of the new ipad they just managed to got it right?

Screen shot 2011 03 02 at 19 40 38


So why are so many people fixated on “the true definition” of multitasking on a phone? These are the same people who are constantly closing apps that are running to save battery life. Why should you have to do this anyways? Doesn’t it seem insane that you are manually flipping apps on and off to save battery?

Raul Hood

Yep. Exactly. And exactly why i gave up the idea of acquiring an Android Phone. I’ll just get a cheap “feature phone” until I can buy a cheaper iPhone or the new Hp WebOS phones are available and I can try one out.

Thunderbolt & SSD

If Thunderbolt port has data flowing at 10 Gigabit per second and the current Serial ATA interface only outputs at 6 Gigabit per second, doesn’t that mean that is actually better to have my data on a external disk with Thunderbolt? ((granted that that hard disk has a Thunderbolt connector inside and not SATA->Thunderbolt converter))

So the better solution for the current Macbooks is to have a small SSD drive inside (64 or 128 GB) for system and apps and a larger standard disk outside for everything else?

It appears that by doing so you completely eliminate the hard disk bottleneck.

And can the next Macbooks generation come with Thunderbolt connector for everything inside?

Happy Birthday Steve


Yep, definitely today ((Rumor is that they are launched specifically today as it is Steve Jobs birthday. But as all Apple related rumors, there is no actual base of information to say that. )) that the new Macbook Pro are launched. The Apple Store is already down. So let’s see what this “Thunderbolt” port can do!

Apple as Carrier

To be perfectly clear i would be ok with Apple current proposal of terms of service and the App Store lockdown if:

  1. Apple would offer the iOS device locked to the Apple Store and with the 30% cut of every in-app purchase for 50% of the “regular” price
  2. Apple would offer the iOS device unlocked to the App Store and without the greedy in-app purchase cut for the regular price it is now charging.

You know, like a carrier! Either you pay the full price for the phone/device and it is yours to do as you please, or you buy it from us and play in our walled DisneyWorld.

Apple currently wants to own the best of two worlds. You pay full price AND you have to play in their walled AppleWorld where everything you do gets them a piece of the action.

You can’t always get what you want, as Mick would say.

Vertical Stand Macbook


Besides Twelve South Bookarc, is there any others vertical stands for a Macbook (unibody late 2008) in clamshell mode? I’m setting up my office “desktop replacement” environment and want to put the mac vertically to save space. ((although terribly afraid of hitting it with my elbow or other and dropping it.))

Whose backyard?

“Rules change when you play in someone else’s backyard — it sucks, but if you are smart you can still be wildly successful. The 30% cut isn’t great (though it does look great from a strict consumers view), but it isn’t the end of the App Store — I bet it only makes the App Store better by ridding it of more junk apps.”

Ben Brooks

Ben, and a lot of other bloggers and anonymous commenters, seem to interiorize every new restriction put on the iOS app store with the same basic idea: “It’s Apple’s backyard” “they are the ones who build and maintain the app store…” “A lot of blood sweat and tears (not the song) went into these wonderful devices. ((yep. someone actually said this. you can check that in the comments section of the current Apple Pravda )) ((I actually waste an incredible amount of time reading the comments on most news sites. It gives me insight on the “horde” thinking. Sometimes there is actually a commenter who has something of value to be said, but usually is just a incredible window on what the “real masses” outside of my circle are saying. ))

But the point is that is not Apple’s backyard. It’s my backyard! I paid for the iPad, or the iPhone or other iOS device. ((For the argument sake let’s just assume that i actually have paid for one and possess one ok?)) Apple didn’t subsidised it, didn’t gave it away for free. No! They made the consumer pay for it. And a significant amount of money ((which amazingly still is a lot cheaper than all of the iPad killers out there.)) too.

So Apple sells a device to consumers and restricts consumers from installing apps from other sources than her own store. OK. I can live with that. As long as Apple then surrenders any kind of “moral” control or censorship. Because there should only be only two options on the table.

  • a) Apple allows other sources in a sub-sub menu hidden in Settings and as such she can restrict and control what she wants in the App Store.
  • b) Apple doesn’t allow other sources and as such doesn’t restrict, beside the technical and security issues, what apps can i buy.

Right? No. There is also a third option which shouldn’t exist:

  • c) Apple doesn’t allow other sources of apps and heavily restricts what i can or can’t install on my device, including issues of moral (my personal issue not Apple’s), dubious legal issues (wikileaks anyone?) or “where’s my cut?!” issues (the current 30% issue).

And this third option is where we are standing today. Does it make sense that I, the consumer, am not allowed to watch porn ((Freedom from porn they say. I’ll take my liberty with a little of racy flavour thank you so much.)) on my device when i already pay my taxes, live my life alone and am usually considered by everyone else an adult?

Or that I can’t buy magazines and other in-app purchases at the price that the publish or developer believes is right? Hasn’t he already paid an Apple iOS subscription? Is he not selling to me, the consumer who already paid for his iOS device, an extra content, whatever that may be, that doesn’t involve Apple service or servers? So why should Apple get a cut on this? Their cut was the 499€ the ipad costs here. (( A quick guess: is that more or less than 499$?))

Apple is going on a wrong path here. A path that it already had started before when the Single App Store model was implemented but which has been turning for the worse every day. Why should wikileaks app be banished but Le Monde, El Mundo, the NY Times, Der Spiegel and every other major newspaper that publishes and treats the wikileaks data not? And why should it be banished at all if no legal action has been put by the US government on the wikileaks org? And why should i, an european, living in europe, be subject to “abide” by american laws to which i have no contact?

I’m not sure if this is a matter of anti-monopoly regulation but it definitely should be looked upon by the consumer rights regulator authority. Because that’s Apple focus right? The consumers?

I agree with most of the advantages Ben and others indicate. The privacy, the convenience, the quality control of Apple Store. That’s all ok and i would probably prefer it anyway. I just don’t consider the loss of options ((freedom was a too strong word here.)) as an advantage.