“Why Only Stephen Colbert Can Save [y]Our Democracy”

” As corporations displace the power of individual citizens to determine the outcome of elections, the American political system will become increasingly compromised. Elections alone do not make a democracy, and even dictatorships have elections every now and then (and we all can predict the outcome).  So as super PACs gain power in our electoral system, perhaps the most strident voice is the one that refuses to be duped by the absurdity of this new political system. And votes Colbert.”

Joe Joffe

Does Airport Security Really Make Us Safer?

” Even if the T.S.A. were somehow to make airports impregnable, this would simply divert terrorists to other, less heavily defended targets—shopping malls, movie theaters, churches, stadiums, museums. The terrorist’s goal isn’t to attack an airplane specifically; it’s to sow terror generally. “You spend billions of dollars on the airports and force the terrorists to spend an extra $30 on gas to drive to a hotel or casino and attack it,” Schneier says. “Congratulations!” “

Vanity Fair

The TSA Proves its Own Irrelevance

“That’s right; not a single terrorist on the list. Mostly forgetful, and entirely innocent, people. Note that they fail to point out that the firearms and knives would have been just as easily caught by pre-9/11 screening procedures. And that the C4 — their #1 “good catch” — was on the return flight; they missed it the first time. So only 1 for 2 on that one.”

Schneier on Security

Via Ben Brooks

Why GoDaddy hasn’t earned my forgiveness

“What GoDaddy did was support a bill that violates civil liberties and threatens the future of he Internet as we know it—the Internet that GoDaddy relies on for revenue. Supporting the bill demonstrates a major lack of understanding of how the Internet works, and a serious disregard for customers.

I’m sorry if I am not impressed that GoDaddy dropped its support for SOPA under duress. I’d rather do business with a domain registrar that didn’t have the audacity (stupidity) to support SOPA in the first place.”

Tony Bradley

What Endless War looks like

“I’m sure we can all agree that we must endure years more of civil liberties assaults, endless war, bulging military budgets, suffocating government secrecy, a sprawling surveillance regime, and the slaughter of countless more Muslim children in order to save ourselves from this existential Lone Wolf threat. And that’s to say nothing of the fact that endless war, drone attacks, occupying countries, and engineering regime change is precisely what causes and fuels these threats in the first place. Indeed, NYPD’s Police Commission Raymond Kelly claimed that “Pimentel’s talk did not ‘turn to action’ until recently” when he “clearly ‘jacked up his speed after the elimination’ of the Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed by an American drone strike in September.” In other words, what little Terrorism does exist is caused directly by our own actions — the very actions justified in the name of stopping Terrorism.”

Glenn Greenwald – Salon.com

Maybe the US Citizens should pay special attention to Mr.Greenwald. Seems one of the few sane voices coming from across the Atlantic lately. Him and Jon Stewart. Which says a lot…

By the way, i don’t have any specific knowledge or background info about Mr.Greenwald but as far as Presidential Candidates go, couldn’t he be the option for the sane broader middle-class citizen which doesn’t want to choose between the Koch-funded nutjobs of the religious far-right and the hypocritical utterly-incompetent and cynical messiah-complex “falcon” Obama?

The not so quiet American

The government “needs to do all it can” in the name of Terrorism: even targeting its own citizens with assassination without a trial based on the mere suspicion that he’s doing something criminal — or invading other countries that haven’t attacked us — or dropping a continuous stream of missiles on people’s homes who are purely innocent — or locking people up for life without a trial. This is the sociopathic mindset of the security fetishist that dominates our political discourse — Terrorism: the meaningless though all-justifying slogan — and, more than anything else, this is what explains why something as radical and dangerous as the President’s due-process-free assassination program aimed at American citizens triggers so little objection.

Criminalizing free speech by Glenn Greenwald