The Mac App Store (3)

Oh, and i just remembered another wonderful features of the App Store that i love.. I keep my dock really really small. Only the apps i use every single day AND that i can interact with their dock icon by dragging something to it (like for example photos from a mail to iphoto or to the compression utility keka for compressing files.) Everything else i call through AlfredApp (a really great great launch application utility).

So that is somehow around or under 10 app icons. Now, the App store icon is the only way to know if i have any update to the (very small and every time shorter list) applications i downloaded through the app store. Remember that i can’t get no “sparkle update warning” when i run them if there is a newer version available.

Now, as i don’t want to spend precious pixel space with the ugly App Store icon, i never know when there is a update available to my applications. In fact, every single time i updated an app though the app store was because i read the news on some apple covering press site or i managed to read the warning from the app makers on twitter. (( you can find me in Twitter under the username maccouch ))

In the more busy times, where i don’t spend as much time reading or looking to this kind of crap (and obviously some times are more busy than others) i can possibly go around for weeks/months using a vulnerable buggy application without knowing.

Now how is this any good for the Mac general security? Or consumer friendliness? Is everyone supposed to put the app store icon on the dock? Or to take attention to the small red number on it? And “regular folks”, the kind that has troubles using a DMG file, will somehow take care and keep monitoring it and update every time there is one available, even if they keep using the app they want and there is no “update available” warning? Yeah, sure. If you believe that I’ve got a bridge to sell you…

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